This portion of the site has been designed to accommodate scholars, buffs, historians, writers, artists, living historians, and educators. It is FREE to all. It is established for the exchange of information, ideas, and views! You are welcome to contribute, discuss, and obtain information perhaps found nowhere else. No passwords are required. We merely request that all exchanges be conducted within a framework of learning and congeniality. Should you subsequently use something found here, we'd also appreciate your giving the Signal Corps Association 1860-1865 a credit line, i.e., 'a plug'...please.

       Topics include:

Early 1860's military field communications (origins, development, and aftermath).
Command, control, and accountability issues involving the early 1860's military establishment.
Signal, telegraphic, and secret service operations employed during the American Civil War of 1861-1865.
Roles and sacrifices of signallists, telegraphers, aeronauts and others regarding intelligence communications
Life histories of 1860's communications pioneers
Identification and care of monuments, markers, and final resting places of those involved in Civil War related communications.
Calendar of and/or after-action-reports of re-enactment events or camps of instruction which include(d) communications.
Lecture, presentation and program announcements or reports.
Reviews of books, magazine articles, and video-cinema.

Please join us with your own information, views, reviews, and questions!

Now, for your first assignment CLICK HERE and enjoy.