Welcome to The Signal Corps Association (1860 ~ 1865)'s WEB CHAT !

Scheduled "WEB CHAT" Conferances can be found on our Web Chat Schedule Page.

       In order to preserve this communication vehicle for the study and hobby of civil war era communications and its related topics, as outlined in our website, SCARD requires participants to agree to the following terms, conditions and rules.

  1. The use of profanity in any form or nature is strictly forbidden.
    Users engaged in this practice will be banned from use.

  2. The use of derogitory remarks towards other users, either on-line or not, is forbidden.

  3. Use is to be kept to the subject of civil war era communications and its related topics as outlined within our website. Chat conversations outside of this topic should be kept to a minimum.

  4. LOGIN name must be unique to yourself on this chat board, and in no way infer that you may be someone that you are not. Guest or Annonomous login's are welcome.

  5. False, Spoofed, or Imposter names used for LOGIN is strictly forbidden.

  6. Common courtesy, respect, and good manners are expected of all users, in order to share ideas, thoughts, and general knowlege, in a "civil" manner.

  7. Users agree to allow SCARD to log individual user IP and/or MAC address for identity comformation.

  8. Transcripts of chat-logs are recorded, and become the property of SCARD, which reserves the right to publish at a later date, part or in whole, as SCARD sees fit.

  9. As with everything on the net, postings become public, DO NOT post private information, (ie. phone numbers, or anything else you wish to have remain private)

  10. Users may be banned from chat use at the sole discretion of SCARD's A&IGO and Webmaster.

  11. SCARD assumes no liability for information which may be found within our "Web Chat", and any information found here may not be of the opinions of The Signal Corps Association (1860 ~ 1865) in whole or in part.
Scheduled "WEB CHAT" Conferances can be found on our Web Chat Schedule Page.